Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Song: The mate to a cock, and corn tall as wheat is...

by John Lenton . A Rebus for Three voices , in C major


The mate to a cock, and corn tall as wheat
is his Christian name, who in music’s complete,
his surname begins with the grace of a cat,
and concludes with the house of a hermit, note that,
his skill and performance each auditor wins,
but the poet deserves a good kick in the shins.
Galli marita par tritico seges,
proenomen est ejus, dat chromati leges,
intrat cognomen, blanditiis cati,
exit eremi in oedipus stati,
expertum effectum omnes admirentur,
quid merent poetoe? ut bene calcentur.

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