Catches, canons and drinking songs
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Sol Fa La Sol Fa Mi Re Mi Fa Mi Re Do Do Fa
for shame Sir in Charity in Charity gargle gargle gargle your Throat the Raven ne'er croak'd croak'd so horrid a Note for shame in Charity gargle your Throat the Raven ne'er croak'd so horrid a Note Oh! Ah!
Oh! Eh! Ee! Ah! Damn your Sol O La. Ah. o la. damn your Sol Ah! Ee! Eh! Ee! Ha Ha Ha! Hi Hi Hi! Eh! Oh! Oh! Ah!
O Charming soothing Bravo. Bravo Bravo Bravo by Jove that ravishing Voice wakes the Passion of Love O charming soothing Bravo by Jove that ravishing Note wakes the passion of Love Oh! Ah!
Poor fellow poor fellow when first he made singing his Choice He was cut he was cut cut for the Simples instead of his Voice poor fellow When first he made singing his choice he was cut for the Simples instead of his Voice Oh! Ah!