Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Catch of Catches

by J.B. Marella . For Three voices, in C major

Song: “Jack thou’rt a…” “Come, once more,” “Jack...

Jack thou'rt a come come come come once more Jack thou'rt encore encore encore once more Jack thou'rt I can't I can't get in I can't get in I can't get in I can't get in come come com now do you begin
Stop stop who goes who goes the last that's wrong you're much too fast too fast I'll beat 'tis very plain 'tis very plain 'tis very plain 'tis very plain now for it once now once again
O Sir you're quite too low hold hold you're now too slow oh stay you've got too high you've got too high you've got too high you've got too high good Sir pray let me try.


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