Catches, canons and drinking songs
Ha' done ha' done you little teazing Wretch ha' done ha' done you little teazing Wretch you're always aking what's a Catch what's a Catch you're always asking what's a Catch ha' done ha' done you're always asking what's a Catch
my Lord you caught me by the Toe my Lord my Lord you caught me by the Toe my Lord you caught me by the Toe if that's a Catch 'tis very very very very low my Lord you caught me by the Toe my Lord you caught me by the Toe if that's a Catch if that's a Catch 'tis very low
but when wuch brilliant such brilliant Eyes inspire we raise the Catch we raise the Catch to something something high'r, but when such brilliant Eyes inspire we raise we raise the Catch the Catch to something high'r when such brilliant Eyes inspire when such brilliant Eyes inspire we raise we raise the Catch to something high'r
if so if so 'tis but a middling Jest tho' middling things they say they say are best if so 'tis but a middling Jest but middling things they say are best if so 'tis but a middling Jest but middle middle things they say are best