Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Chloe at Cock’s Auction

by Dr. Hayes . For Four voices, in A major

Song: The hammer was up and to someone must fall, each...

The Hammer the Hammer was up the Hammer the Hammer was up the Hammer the Hammer was up and to some one to some one must fall must fall must fall must fall must fall must fall
each bid, each bid but CHLOE but CHLOE bid fairest bid fairest of all, brisk CHLOE bid fairest CHLOE bid fairest CHLOE bid fairest brisk CHLOE bid fairest of all
He soon struck the stroke he soon struck the stroke and so boldy so boldy did knock did knock so boldly did knock did knock did knock did knock did knock did knock did knock did knock knock did knock
that CHLOE that CHLOE in rapture CHLOE that CHLOE in rapture that CHLOE in rapture cry'd thanks Mr. COCK thanks Mr. COCK thanks Mr. COCK thanks thanks Mr. COCK


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