Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Here’s that will challenge all the fair, come...

by Mr. H. Purcell . For Three voices, in C major

Song: Here’s that will challenge all the fair, come...

Here's that will challenge all the Fair, come buy my Nuts and Damsons, my Burgamy Pear; here's the whore of Babylon, the Devil and the Pope, the Girl is just a going on the Rope: Here's Dives and Lazarus, and the World's Creation, here's the Dutch Woman, the like's not in ye Nation; here is the Booth where the tall Dutch Maid is, here are Bears that dance like any Ladies: Tota, tota tot, goes the little penny Trumpet, here's your Jacob Hall that can jump it, jump it; sound Trumpet sound, a silver Spoon and Fork; come here's your dainty Pig and Pork.


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