Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: The Czar’s Health

by Mr H. Hall . For Three voices, in G major

Song: Dragoons have a care, here’s a health to the...

Dragoons have a care, here's a health to the Czar, we'll all, all, we'll all do the mighty Russ: Examine yr Cup, that you drink it all up, if you Leave but one drop, if you leave but on drop 'tis high Treason; wou'd you drink, drink, drink, wou'd you drink like a Russ, while you take it off thus, still with Pepper improve yr weak Brandy: and then to be just, to give it a gust, still, still let Nitre supply supply Sugarcandy. Thus arm'd let it Blow, let it Hail, let it Snow; it will ne'er make our Hero look thin Sir, warm without with the Hair of his dear Brother Bear, and the Cordial, the Cordial I wot on, I wot on within Sir


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