Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Come all ye high churchmen, come all and...

by Mr H. Hall . For Three voices, in C minor

Song: Come all ye high churchmen, come all and...

Come all ye high Churchmen, come all and rejoyce, your Darling is now in no danger brave Boys, no danger, no danger, no danger, no danger, no danger brave Boys, ev'ry Whig is turn'd Loyal and trims with the Court, and what they once ruin'd, now swear they'll support, now swear, now swear, now swear, now swear, now swear they'll support, Thus between Iohn and Martin, her time she well passes, and if you han't faith to believe it you're asses, believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it you're asses.


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