Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Is Charleroi’s siege come too? who would a...

by Mr H Purcell . For Three voices, in G minor

Song: Is Charleroi’s siege come too? who would a...

Is Charleroy's Seige come, come, come too? who wou'd a thought it? then the Rumours was false, was false, false, false that Lewis had bought it; Then charge all your Guns Boys as high as they can be, wth ye briskest Champain ramm'd down, ramm'd down, down, down, down, down, down, down with Nantz Brandy: Let Enginier Vauban shoot the Devil, the Devil & all, yet his Marshal shan't Dance, no, no, no, no shan't dance at old Maintenons Ball.


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