Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: A Rebus upon Mr Anthony Hall, who keeps the...

by Mr H. Purcell . For Three voices, in A minor

Song: One industrious insect, and the sweetness of...

One industrious Insect, and the sweetness of th' other, is the Christian Name of our well belov'd Brother, his Sir Name the Room where the Fire's in the middle and some say he plays very well on the Fiddle, the Sign he hangs out is half Fish, and half Flesh, and he sells as true Wine as good Fellow can wish. Insecta prœcauta, alterius merda
Dant fratri prœnomen (dum verba absurda)
Cognomen triticinium quo medio fit Ignis
Multiq; ferunt est Tibicen insignis
Vexilla sunt, magna Bicarnea mundi;
Vinum, quod vendit, optarent potabundi.


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