Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Trust me my Celia you will find, we were for...

by Sigr. Giardini . For Three voices, in A major

Song: Trust me my Celia you will find, we were for...

Trust me my CELIA you will find, we were for Love we were for Love by Heav'n design'd we were for Love by Heav'n design'd we were for Love we were we were for Love by Heav'n design'd
'tis the Arabian Bird 'tis the Arabian Bird alone is chaste because there is but One the Bird is chaste because there is but One th'Arabian Bird is chaste because there is but One
But shou'd DAme Nature e'er make Two, they wou'd like Doves and Sparrows do but shou'd Dame Nature e'er make Two they wou'd like Doves and Sparrows do they wou'd like Sparrows do they wou'd they wou'd they wou'd like Doves and Sparrows do


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