Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: In Praise of Punch

by By Mr. H. Purcell . For Three voices, in F major

Song: Bring the bowl and cool Nantz, and let us be...

Bring the Bowl and cool Nantz, bring ye Bowl & cool Nantz, & let us be mixing; we've a great deal of Bus'ness, we've a great deal of Bus'ness, 'tis time to be fixing; dip dip your Dish fair a round to all Jolly, Jolly Punch Drinkers; we loose not a Minute, we loose not a Minute while we are our own Skrinkers; we need no damn'd Drawers, our Motions, our Motions are quicker, we sit at the Well Boys, we sit at the Well Boys, and drink richer Liquor.


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