Catches, canons and drinking songs
At ye Song of my Lady's Lace, which a Derby shire Lady took ill, quoth she to her Neighbour Grace, 'tis immodest, 'tis immodest, 'tis immodest, immodest, immodest, immodest, immodest, I cannot sit still; so she nustled & bustled about & out of the Room she went, but no Body follow'd her out for she drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, drop't, an unfavourly Scent; Truth needs no deceiving Art, & if I may speak wt I think, she had left a soft fizzing Fart, fizzing Fart, fizzing Fart, fizzing Fart, fiz, fiz, Fart, & went out of the Room to stink.