Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: The continual Sot

by By Mr. Wm. Turner . For Three voices, in A minor

Song: Say what you please, and think what you will, he...

Say what you please & think what you will, He that's a sot will continue so still, he that's a sot, a sot, a sot, he that's a sot will continue so still; If Riches he has he's censur'd by non, but if poor he's condemn'd by ev'ry one, if poor he's condemn'd, condemn'd, condemn'd, If poor he's condemn'd by ev'ry one; a Pox of ill Nature we're made of one Clay, why shou'dn't we moisten as well as they? why shoud'n't we moisten, not moisten, not moisten, why shou'dn't we moisten as well as they.


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