Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: The Nut Brown Lass

by By Mr. Henry Purcell . For Four voices, in F major

Song: A health to the nut brown lass with the hazel...

A Health a health to ye Nut brown Lass, with ye Hazle Eyes, she yt has good Eyes, has also good Thighs, let it pass, let it pass: As much to ye livelier Gray, They're as good by Night as Day: she yt has good Eyes, has also good Thighs, drink away, drink away. I'll pledge, Sr, I'll pledge, wt ho! some Wine, here! some Wine; to mine, & to thine; to thine, & to mine, ye Colours are divine: But oh! the Black Eyes, the Black, give me as much again, & let it be Sack; She yt has good Eyes, has also good Thighs, & a better Knack.


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