Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Jolly mortals, fill your glasses, noble deeds...

by by Dr. Greene. . For Three voices, in C major

Song: Jolly mortals, fill your glasses, noble deeds...

Jolly Mortals fill your Glasses, noble Deeds are done by Wine, scorn the Nymph, and all her Graces, who'd for Love or Beauty pine, who'd for Love or Beauty pine.
Look within the Bowl that's flowing, and a thousand charms you'll find, more than Phillis tho' just going, in the moment to be kind, just in the moment to be kind.
Alexander hated thinking, drank about at Council Board, He subdu'd the World by drinking, more than by his Conqu'ring Sword more than by his Conqu'ring Sword.


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