Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: How soft the delights, and how charming the joy...

by by Dr. Greene. . For Three voices, in G major

Song: How soft the delights, and how charming the joy...

How soft the delights, and how charming the Joy, where Love and enjoyment each other support, How soft the delights, and how charming the Joy, where Love and enjoyment each other support.
Let the Cynical Fool, call pleasure a Toy, who ne'er Fame in the Camp had, nor Love in the Court, the Cynical Fool who ne'er Fame in the Camp had, nor Love in the Court.
O so kindly ye Combats each other succeed, where 'tis Triumph to die and a Pleasure to bleed, where 'tis Triumph to die and a pleasure to bleed, and a pleasure, a pleasure to bleed.


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