Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: “I say she’s a whore,” “Sir, I care not a fig,...

by Francis Ireland . For Three voices, in C major

Song: “I say she’s a whore,” “Sir, I care not a fig,...

I say she's a Whore she's a Whore Sir I care not a Fig she's a Whore a Whore a Whore Sir she's a Whore. Sir I care not a Fig tho' you swagger you swagger and bluster and swear
'Tis true 'tis true 'tis true Sir nay never look big 'tis true Sir 'tis true Sir true Sir true, Nay Sir never look big I value your looks not a hair not a hair
You lye you lye you lye both one and t'other you lye you lye you lye you lye. She's honester far than your Mother she's honester far than your Mother


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