Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: “Fie, nay prithee John, do not quarrel man,...

by Francis Ireland . For Three voices, in B-flat major

Song: “Fie, nay prithee John, do not quarrel man,...

Fie nay prithee prithee John nay prithee prithee John nay do not quarrel man Fie nay John prithee John do not quarrel do not quarrel let's be merry and drink about drink about let's be merry and drink about
You're a Rogue you're a Rogue you've cheated me you've cheated me you're a Rogue I'll prove't before this Company I caren't a farthing Sir for all you are so stout I caren't a farthing Sir for all you are so stout
Sir Sir you lie Sir Sir you lie I scorn your word I scorn your word I scorn your word or any man that wears a Sword for all you huff who cares who cares for you who cares who care for you Sir who cares for you


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