Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Ye birds for whom I reared this grove, with...

by Mr. Battishill . For Three voices, in F major

Song: Ye birds for whom I reared this grove, with...

Ye Birds for whom I rear'd this Grove with melting lays salute salute my Love my DAPHNE with your Notes detain or I have rear'd have rear'd my Grove in vain
Ye Flow'rs before before her Footsteps rise display at once at once your brightest Dyes that She at once at once your op'ning Charms may see or what are all your Charms to me
Ye Streams if e'er your Banks I lov'd ye Streams if e'er your Banks I lov'd if e'er your Native Sounds improv'd if e'er your Native sounds improv'd may each soft murmur sooth my Fair may each soft murmur sooth my Fair or sure or sure 'twill deepen my dispair


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