Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Come follow me with merry glee and hail the...

by Wm. Bates . For Four voices, in G major

Song: Come follow me with merry glee and hail the...

Come follow me with merry glee and hail the blushing morn hark forward our Game's in view which we pursue with deep ton'd horn o'er hills and o'er rocks we'll follow the Fox for see more slow he moves and now he dies he dies come follow me with merry glee and hail the
Come follow me with merry glee and hail the blushing morn hark forward our Game's in view which we pursue with deep ton'd horn o'er hills and o'er rocks we'll follow the Fox for see more slow he moves and now he dies he dies come follow me with merry
Come follow me with merry glee and hail the blushing morn hark forward our Game's in view which we pursue with deep ton'd horn o'er hills and o'er rocks we'll follow the Fox for see more slow he moves and now he dies he dies come follow
Come follow me with merry glee and hail the blushing morn hark forward our Game's in view which we pursue with deep ton'd horn o'er hills and o'er rocks we'll follow the Fox for see more slow he moves and now he dies he dies


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