Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: How happy are we now the wind is abaft, and the...

by by Mr. Berg . For Three voices, in G major

Song: How happy are we now the wind is abaft, and the...

How happy are we now the Wind is abaft and the Boatswain he Pipes Haul both our Sheets aft Steady says the Master it blows a fresh Gale we'll soon reach our Port Boys if the Wind does not fail
Then drink about Tom altho' the Ship roll then drink about Tom altho' the Ship roll altho' the Ship roll altho' the Ship roll
We'll save our rich Liquor by slinging the Bowl we'll save our rich Liquor by slinging the Bowl then drink about Tom altho' the Ship roll we'll save our rich Liquor by slinging the Bowl


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