Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: See, my boys, the foaming bowl, let jolly...

by Revd. Robt. Bacon . For Four voices, in C major

Song: See, my boys, the foaming bowl, let jolly...

See see my Boys see see my Boys see see the foaming Bowl the foaming Bowl see see my Boys the foaming Bowl the foaming Bowl.
let jolly Bumpers let jolly Bumpers let jolly Bumpers take the round let Bumpers take the round let jolly Bumpers take the round.
while Raptures seize on ev'ry Soul on ev'ry Soul while raptures seize on ev'ry Soul while raptures seize on ev'ry Soul.
and loud each chearfull Voice and loud each chearfull Voice resound.


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