Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: That the mortal who lives by the sweat of his...

For Three voices, in G minor

Song: That the mortal who lives by the sweat of his...

That the Mortal who lives by the sweat of his Brown many Crosses and Toils must submit to we know yet Industry creates him an Appetite still and he eats and he drinks with a hearty good will till perhaps some curst chance by Woman or Devil imbitters his Palate there's no end to that evil
there's no end no end to that evil there's no end no end to that evil, that the Mortal who lives by the sweat of his Brow by the sweat by the sweat of his Brow many Crosses and Toils must submit to we know must submit to we know we know
many Crosses and Toils must submit to we know many Crosses and Toils must submit to we know must submit to we know we know we know we know that the Mortal who lives by the sweat of his Brow of his Brow


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