Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: A Cock-Match

by Dr. Arne . For Four voices, in F major

Song: “I’ll back the mealy grey for five or more,”...

I'll back the mealy Grey the mealy Grey I'll back the mealy Grey for five for five or more I'll back I'll back him for a score for a score the Red for fifty I'll back him for a score
here's six to four six to four I'll bet you two to one I'll bet you two to one here's six to four here's six to four I'll bet you two to one two to one two to one his throat is cut I pound him I pound him, done Sir done
Huzza he'll win it still I'll take the Red I'll take the Red the Red for fifty Red for fifty the Red for fifty see the Grey is dead see see the Grey is dead see the Grey is dead
come Sir your money what! you did not lay Basket him Basket him I say come Sir your money Sir your money what! you did not lay did not lay Basket him Basket him Basket him I say


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