Catches, canons and drinking songs
By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion when we remember'd Thee O Sion O Sion By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion when we remember'd Thee O Sion O Sion
By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion when we remember'd Thee O Sion O Sion By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion when we remember'd Thee O Sion
By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion when we remember'd Thee O Sion O Sion By the Waters of Babylon we sat down sat down and wept when we remember'd Thee O Sion O Sion