Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Quoth Roger to Nelly, “Suppose I were dead,...

by Richd. Woodward Junr. . For Four voices, in F major

Song: Quoth Roger to Nelly, “Suppose I were dead,...

Quoth Roger to Nelly suppose I were dead suppose I were Dead quoth Roger to Nelly suppose I were Dead wou'd you
get another wou'd you get another good Man in my stead in my stead wou'd you get another good Man in my stead?
Yes that I wou'd Roger I'd Roger I'd Roger pray Man do not stare do not stare do not stare yes that I wou'd Roger I'd Roger I'd Roger pray Man do not stare do not stare
Wou'd you have me hug Pillow and Bolster my Dear? wou'd you have me hug Pillow and Bolster my Dear and Bolster my Dear?


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