Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: 4 in 2: This Canon gained the Prize Medal 1764

by Richd. Woodward Junr. . For Four voices, in F minor

Song: Let the words of my mouth and meditation of my...

Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight
Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight
Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight Let the words of my Mouth and the meditation of my Heart be always acceptable in thy Sight in thy Sight
O Lord my Strength O Lord my Strength and my Redeemer my Strength and my Redeemer my Redeemer O Lord my Strength O Lord my Strength and my Redemer my Strength and my Redeemer


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