Catches, canons and drinking songs
For the Catch-club at Almack's this Catch have I made, and I hope it will please, as I hope to be pay'd as I hope to be pay'd as I hope to be pay'd, for the Catch-club at Almack's this Catch have I made, for the Catch-club at Almack's this Catch have I made, and I hope it will please, as I hope to be pay'd, Ten Guineas Ten Guineas Ten Guineas, ten guineas is Money my Muse 'twill inspire
Ten Guineas is money! my muse 'twill inspire, enliven my Genius and tune up my Lyre. Ten Guineas Ten Guineas Ten Guineas is Money, my muse 'twill inspire, Ten Guineas is money! my Muse 'twill inspire, enliven my Genius and tune up my Lyre, my Muse 'twill inspire, 'twill tuen up my Lyre, my Muse 'twill inspire enliven my Genius and tune up my Lyre.
Then take off your Glasses, and Sing your parts true, and remember the Proverb give the Devil his Due. give the Devil his Due. give the Devil his Due. remember the Proverb give the Devil his Due. Then take off your Glasses, and remember the Proverb give the Devil his Due, give the Devil his Due, give the Devil his Due. remember the Proverb give the Devil his Due.