Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: The Family Quarrel. This catch gain’d the prize...

by Dr Arne . For Four voices, in C major

Song: “Good neighbours, be quiet, let me part the...

Good Neighbours, be quiet, Good Neighbours be quiet let me part the Fray let me part the Fray, Good Neighbours be quiet good Neighbours be quiet be quiet be quiet come kiss and be Friends kiss kiss and be Friends drive Discord away drive Discord away.
He's a Rascal a Rascal, a Pimp a poor frip'ry Jack a poor frip'ry Jack He's a Rascal a Pimp a poor frip'ry Jack, a poor frip'ry Jack That gives me no Victuals nor Cloaths to my Back that gives me no Victuals nor Cloaths to my Back
O you Vixen you Brimstone! Zounds how dare you to rail you Vixen! you Brimsone! how dare you to rail Oh! you Vixen Oh! you Brimstone how dare you to rail? How dare you to rail? like a Squirrel you cover your Back with your Tail like a Squirrel you cover your Back with your Tail
Well what if I do, well what if I do sure this may atone sure this may atone well what if I do? sure this may atone my Tail my Tail covers your Back your Back as well as my own.


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