Catches, canons and drinking songs

to your rude health,

Item: Zounds woman, don’t chatter but mind what I say,...

by Willm. Bates . For Three voices, in B-flat major

Song: Zounds woman, don’t chatter but mind what I say,...

Zounds Woman dont chatter Zounds Woman dont chatter but mind what I say mind what I say I'll stand up for WILKES by night or by day by night or by day by night or by day
fine doings fine doings fine doings indeed I swear by my Life by my Life then since you're so stout pray stand for your Wife pray stand for your Wife pray stand pray stand stand for your Wife
great words little deeds great words little deeds great words you plainly have shewn have shewn I want you to stand and poor Man you lie down poor Man poor Man poor Man you lie down


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