%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:The Cure of Love C:Mr Bartholomew M:3/4 L:1/4 K:G I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 Gzz|Dzz|BAG|cBA|B/ c/de|(GF)z| w:When, when when Chlo-e, when Chlo-e I con-fess my pain,_ A(A/G/) (G/F/)|dzz|B(B/A/) (A/G/)|dzA|{c/}(B/A//G//)(FTE)|D2z| w:in gen--tle_ words, in gen--tle_ words your pi---ty_ shew, DEF|(GA)B|(c/e//d//c)B|(BA)z|cBA|(dF)G|(A/B//c//B)A|G2z| w:but gen-tle words_ are all___ in vain,_ such gales my flame_ by high----er blow, A/ F/zz|B/ G/zz|c/ A/zz|(d/>g/)dz|((3e/d/c/B)A|G3| w:high-er, high-er, high-er, high--er, high----er blow, V:2 zdz|zcz|zzB|AGF/ F/|G2C|DD/ ^C/ D/ C/|D2z|z/A/ (A/F/) (A/F/)|Dzz|z/B/ (B/G/) (A/F/)|{A/}G/ (F//E//)D^C|D(FA)|d2c|(BA)G|(A/c//B//A)G|(GF)z| w:ah, ah, ah, Chlo-e, would you cure the smart? would you cure the smart? your con--qu'ring_ eyes, your con--qu'ring_ eyes have_ keen-ly made your--self up-on_ my bleed----ing heart,_ zzc|(BA)G|CDD/ D/|GB/ A/G|zc/ B/A|zd/ c/B|ze/ d/c|z(BG)|((3c/B/A/)GF|G3| w:your-self,_ fair Chlo-e, must be laid, must be laid, must be laid, must be laid, must be laid, your--self__ must be laid, V:3 zzB|zzA|GFG|C/ C/DD|(G/A/B)c|(BA)z|Z| w:thus, thus, thus for the vip-er's sting we know,__ we know_ z/F/ (F/D/) (D/F/)|G/ F/Gz|z/G/ (G/E/) (F/D/)|G/ G/AA,|D2z| w:no sur--er_ re-me-dy, no sur--er_ re-me-dy is found FGA|(dc)B|F2G|D>d c/ B/|(AG)F|(Gc)B|E/ A/GF|GzG,| w:than to ap-ply_ the tor-t'ring foe and squeeze his ve--nom, squeeze_ his ve-nom on the wound, squeeze, DzD|GzG|CzA|(BG)B,|C/ C/DD|[G,G]3| w:squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze_ his ve-nom on the wound.