%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:Come Let Us Drink C:Mr Henry Purcell M:C| L:1/8 K:Ab I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 E2|A2A BG2z2|z2c dc2z2|z2e fe2d c|B2c d(e2d) c|d3(cBAG2)|(AB)c2B3A|G2E4e d|c2A2(dcBA|G2)c B (AG)F2|(=EDC4)A2|(FG)A2A3G|A2A4x2 w:Come, come let us drink, let us drink, let us drink, let us drink, 'tis in vain_ to think, like___ fools,_ on grief or sad-ness, let our mon-ey fly,____ and our sor--rows die,__ all world--ly care is mad-ness, V:2 e2|c4z2B2|c2z2z2d2|(edcdc2)B A|G2A Bc2B =A|B3c (dcdB|cd)e2=d3e|e2e4G2|(AB)c2F2(dc)|B2(ed) c BA2|G2(AB)c2(de)|(fe) (dc) (dcB) e|c4A4| w:but wine, wine, wine, wine wine____ and good cheer will, in spite of our fear, in-spire_____ our hearts with mirth boys, the time_ we live, to_ wine, to_ wine let us give, since_ all, since_ all_ must_ turn__ to earth boys, V:3 x2|z2A,2E DE2|z2C2F EF2|z2E2A G A A,|E2E D C CF2|B,2(BA) (GF) (GE)|(AG) F E B2 B,2|E2 E4 E2|(AG) (FE) (DE) (FD)|E2C2F C (DB,)|C2c B (AGFE|D) C (B,A,)E2E2|A,2A,4 w:hand, hand a-bout, hand, hand a-bout, hand, hand a-bout the bowl, the de-light of my soul, and_ to_ my_ hand,_ to my hand com-mend it, a fig,_ a_ fig_ for_ chink, 'twas made to buy_ drink, and be-fore____ we go_ hence we'll spend it.