%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:Catch of Catches C:J.B. Marella M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Ab I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 A2A2A2|z2z2zA|c2ze d c|B4z2|A2A4|zE A> E A _G|F3FD2|B2B4|zf B> F B A|G2zz/ G/ c B|A2z> A d c|B2z> B e d|Hc6|(ec) (dB) (cA)|G4A2|D2E4|A6| w:Jack thou'rt a... come, come, come, come once more: Jack thou'rt... en-core, en-core, en-core once more: Jack thou'rt... I can't, I can't get in, I can't get in, I can't get in, I can't get in, come,_ come,_ come,_ now do you be-gin? V:2 z2z2zc|c2z2(ec)|A2zc B A|G4z2|z2z2zc|c2zc c c|d2zAF2|z2z2zf|Bz/ B,/B,3B,|B,> B,C3C|C> CD3D|D> DE3E|HE6|A2G2A2|B4c2|(d2c2)B2|A6| w:Stop, stop! who_ goes, who goes the last? that's wrong: you're much too fast, too fast, I'll beat, 'tis ve-ry plain, 'tis ve-ry plain, 'tis ve-ry plain, 'tis ve-ry plain, now for it once, now once_ a-gain: V:3 Z|zEE4|zEA2E2|E4z2|z4ze|e3E A> A|D4z2|z2zDd2|zDD2=D2|Ez/ E/E2=E2|Fz/ F/F2F2|Gz/ G/G2G2|HA6|zee4-|e4e2|f2(e2d2)|c6| w:O Sir, you're quite too low! hold, hold! you're now too slow! oh stay! you've got too high, you've got too high, you've got too high, you've got too high! good Sir,_ pray let me_ try.