%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:Under this Stone lies Gabriel John C:Mr Henry Purcell M:3/4 L:1/4 K:Fm I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 A>GF|=E2F|D>CD|C2c/ B/|d>cB|G2A|F>G=E|F3| w:Un-der this stone lies Ga-bri-el John, in the year of our Lord one thou-sand and one, V:2 F>G (A/F/)|c2c|(c>d)B|c>GA|F>Fd|B>B e/ c/|A>GA|F3| w:cov-er his_ head with turf_ or stone, 'tis all one, 'tis all one, with turf or stone, 'tis all one, V:3 c>BA|G2A|(F>A) (G/F/)|=E>EF|B,>C D/ B,/|(E/>F/E/>) D/ C|D>B,C|F3| w:pray for the soul of gen--tle_ John, if you please you may, or let__ it a-lone, 'tis all one.