%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:Prithee Ben't So Sad and Ser'ous C:Henry Purcell M:3/4 L:1/4 K:F#m I:score [1 2 3] 4 I:linebreak $ V:1 zcB|(AB)c|(dc)B|(Bc)A|(cd)e|d2c|(Bc)(B/A/)|G3| w:Pri-thee ben't_ so sad_ and ser--'ous, no--thing's got by grief_ or_ cares, (GA)B|(^AB)c|(cd)e|d2(c/B/)|(cB)A|(GA)B|A2(G/F/)|F3| w:me--lan-cho--ly's too_ im-pe-rious,_ where_ it comes_ still do-mi--neers, V:2 zAG|(FG)A|(BA)G|(GA)A|(AB)c|B2A|(GA)(G/F/)|^E3| w:but if bus--'ness love_ or sor--row that_ pos-ses-ses thus_ thy_ mind, (^EF)G|(FG)^A|(B^A/>G/)A|B2G|(AG)F|(^EF)G|(GF)^D|F3| w:bid_ 'em come_ a-gain__ to-mor-row, we_ are now_ to mirth_ in-clined, V:3 zF^E|F(F/=E/D/C/|B,/C/D)E|A,2A,|A2A|(AG)A|^E2F|C2C| w:let the glass run______ its round and each good fel--low keep his ground, and (C^D)^E|FF=E|D2C|B,2E|C2F|(CF)B,|C2C|F3| w:if_ there be a-ny flin-chers found we'll have, we'll have_ his soul new coined. V:4 clef=bass octave=-2 F2c|f2F|B2E|A3|A2A|e2e|^e2f|c3| c2c|F2F|F2F|B2e|A2B|c2B|c2C|F3|