%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:Jack thou'rt a Toper C:Mr Henry Purcell M:3/4 L:1/4 K:Ab I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 x|AAA|EEE|zFF|zGG|AAA|EF=D|E2E|C=D=E|FzF|B,C=D|EEF|GFE|AGF|EDC/ B,/|(C/D/E)E|A,3| w:Jack thou'rt a top-er, Jack thou'rt a, thou'rt a top-er, let's have t'o-ther quart, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, we're so so-ber, so so-ber, so so-ber, 'twere a shame__ to part, V:2 x|edc|BEz/c/|AFz/d/|BGz/e/|cAA/ B/|(cB)A|G2B|[L:1/8]c c c c c c|c c c c c c|B B B B B B|B B B B B B|B6|c2B2A2|(GAGBAB|ABB3)c|c4 w:none but a cuck-old, a cuck-old, a cuck-old, a cuck-old bul-lied by_ his wife, for com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, com-ing, late fears a do-me---------stic strife, V:3 [L:1/4]c|(cB)A|G2G|zc/ B/A|zd/ c/B|ze/ d/ c/ d/|(ed)c|B2G|GFG|AAA|AGF|GEB|eee|e3-|e3|e2e|c3| w:I'm free,_ I'm free and so are you, so are you, so are you too, call_ and knock, knock bold-ly, knock bold-ly, knock bold-ly, knock bold-ly though watch-men cry, "Past_ two o'-clock!"