%%pageheight 29.7cm %%pagewidth 21cm X:1 T:He that Drinks is Immortal C:Mr Henry Purcell M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D I:score 1 2 3 I:linebreak $ V:1 F G|A3Bc2|d2A2B c|d3cd2|e6-|e2A2d2|(cB) (AB) (AG)|F4x2 w:He that drinks is im-mor-tal, he that drinks is im-mor--tal and can_ ne'er_ de--cay, V:2 D2|F2(FG)A2|D4A2|B2G3F|E4=c2|(BA) (BAGF| EDC3)D|D6| w:for wine still_ sup-plies, for wine still sup-plies what age_ wears______ a-way, V:3 x2|z2z2A2|F3ED2|B,4B2|G2F2E2|C4D2|A,3G,A,2|D4 w:how can he be dust, how can he be dust that moist-ens his clay?